safety management or (PSM) is an analytical tool centered on preventing
releases of any substance defined as a highly hazardous chemical. PSM refers to a set of approaches that are used to
manage hazards associated with the industrial processes and it is intended to
reduce the frequency and severity of incidents resulting from releases of
chemicals and other energy sources (US OSHA 1993). These standards are composed
of organizational and operational procedures, design guidance, audit programs,
and convey of other methods. Here I have included the 14 step process and
an explanation from OSHA’s website.
1) Develop and maintain written safety information identifying workplace
chemical and process hazards, equipment used in the processes, and technology
used in the processes.
(2) Perform a workplace hazard assessment,
including, as appropriate, identification of potential sources of accidental
releases, identification of any previous release within the facility that had a
potential for catastrophic consequences in the workplace, estimation of
workplace effects of a range of releases, and estimation of the health and
safety effects of such a range on employees.
(3) Consult with employees and their
representatives on the development and conduct of hazard assessments and the
development of chemical accident prevention plans and provide access to these
and other records required under the standard.
(4) Establish a system to respond to
the workplace hazard assessment findings, which shall address prevention, mitigation,
and emergency responses.
(5) Review periodically the workplace hazard assessment
and response system.
(6) Develop and implement written
operating procedures for the chemical processes, including procedures for each
operating phase, operating limitations, and safety and health considerations.
(7) Provide written safety and
operating information for employees and employee training in operating
procedures, by emphasizing hazards and safe practices that must be developed
and made available.
(8) Ensure contractors and contract
employees are provided with appropriate information and training;
(9) Train and educate employees and
contractors in emergency response procedures in a manner as comprehensive and
effective as that required by the regulation promulgated pursuant to section
126(d) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act.
(10) Establish a quality assurance
program to ensure that initial process-related equipment, maintenance
materials, and spare parts are fabricated and installed consistent with design
specifications; Process Safety Management 4.
(11) Establish maintenance systems for
critical process-related equipment, including written procedures, employee
training, appropriate inspections, and testing of such equipment to ensure ongoing
mechanical integrity.
(12) Conduct pre-startup safety reviews
of all newly installed or modified equipment.
(13) Establish and implement written
procedures managing change to process chemicals, technology, equipment and
(14) Investigate every incident that results
in or could have resulted in a major accident in the workplace, with any
findings to be reviewed by operating personnel and modifications made, if
Process Safety has developed over
the years. Unfortunately, this is often
due to severe incidents. But it is
through these incidents that we learn.
OSHA and the EPA have a huge influence on the PSM. OSHA, covering the safety of the employees. And the EPA covering the environmental risks
that industry causes. However the two
can be heavily tied, for example the Bhopal, India release was an environmental
pollutant that cause a lot of harm to people (not necessarily employees in this
case). This is just one example of how the
two are heavily intertwined.